
The Importance of Sleep in Achieving Success

We all know sleep is important—there’s no denying that. However, it’s also a fact that many successful people tend to sleep less than the recommended amount. If you search for the sleep habits of highly successful individuals, you’ll notice that many don’t hit the suggested 8 hours per night. And this makes sense. By sleeping just 6 hours a night, you “gain” over 700 extra hours each year to invest in your craft or goals.

If you often find yourself saying you don’t have enough time to work on something but still sleep 8 hours every night, it might be worth asking how serious you are about your ambitions. Great success requires sacrifice, and for many, that means cutting back on sleep.

However, if you do choose to sleep less, it’s crucial that the hours you do sleep are high-quality. To maximize your sleep quality, consider using supplements like ashwagandha, drinking chamomile tea, and wearing blue light blockers in the evening when using your phone or other electronic devices. It’s also wise to stop using electronics about 30 minutes before bed. This helps your mind unwind and prepares you for restful sleep. Activities like taking a hot shower, listening to relaxing music, or doing a crossword puzzle or meditation can help you wind down. You’ll likely find that with this “unwinding” routine, falling asleep becomes much easier.


Challenge yourself to gradually reduce your sleep. This is something your body needs to adjust to over time. If you’re currently sleeping 8 hours, try cutting back to 7 and see how you feel. You can experiment with reducing it further, though it’s important to stay balanced. While it’s unhealthy to push your sleep down to just 3-4 hours a night, getting around 6 hours can work, especially if you prioritize sleep quality over quantity.

Develop a bedtime routine that helps relax your mind and body, improving the quality of your sleep. Experiment to find what works best for you. Use the strategies mentioned above as a starting point, and customize them to fit your personal preferences.