The 1% Rule: Dominate Every Area of Your Life

The 1% rule is simple—get 1% better every day. At first glance, it might seem like an insignificant improvement, but over time, that 1% compounds. It adds up, and before you know it, you’re miles ahead of where you started. This rule applies to everything you do: your work, the business you’re building, how you show up in your relationships, how you raise your kids—every single area of your life.

Here’s the deal: true peak performers don’t just aim for excellence in one part of their life. They’re not killing it in business while neglecting their partner at home. No. As a peak performer, you go all in—on everything. You bring full focus, full intensity, to whatever goal is in front of you. And because you attack every area of your life with this mindset, you start seeing massive results across the board. You create your own luck by putting in the work, day after day.


Let’s say you’re wasting too much time on social media, scrolling aimlessly and draining your productivity. Time for change. You implement the 1% rule. You set a limit—maybe an hour a day. Then, each day, you cut back a little more, gradually reducing your social media use until it’s at a bare minimum. Small, consistent improvements that lead to huge gains over time.

The reason the 1% rule works better for most people is that jumping into massive changes all at once often backfires. People can ride the wave of motivation for a little while, but when that wears off, they crash back into old habits. Peak performers don’t rely on motivation—they rely on discipline and steady progress. They don’t do anything flashy; they do the basics exceptionally well. That’s why they win. In every aspect of life.


When you wake up tomorrow, there’s a post-it note next to your bed that reads: 1% Rule Today. Your mission for the day is simple: focus on doing everything just a little bit better than the day before. Hitting the gym? Push yourself harder—aim for a personal record. Going on a date? Be the best, most charming version of yourself, and surprise your partner. Make this a habit, and watch how fast you transform into someone who dominates in every situation.